NoijConsult: Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation

Training Objectives:

To enhance the understanding of participants on how Monitoring and Evaluation can perform complementary functions and how these can be improved as components of an M&E system, in turn contributing to improving programme management and organizational performance.

Training Outputs:

  • Enhanced participants understanding of the workings of an M&E system and requirements of the organizational enabling environment
  • Enhanced capacities to analyze the monitoring and evaluation components of your organization’s M&E system and identify ways to improve the functioning of the system
  • Experiences shared in dealing with challenges in design, implementation and improvements of M&E systems
  • Individual plans developed on application of enhanced knowledge and analytical capacities in participant’s organizations

Rationale: With the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, the need for on-going monitoring and periodic assessment of development results is more than ever relevant. Though indicators and gathering of data concerned are important aspects, these needs to be considered as part of a wider organizational system in which monitoring and evaluation perform distinct but complementary functions.

It is this organizational system of Monitoring and Evaluation that the present training  focuses on. It will enhance understanding of participants and build their capacities to analyze the M&E system of their programme or organization and identify ways to improve the ‘supply’ as well as ‘demand’ side of the system and its components. In this way participants will be enabled to fully understand and if needed find ways to improve their M&E system and enhance  contribution to SDG monitoring, review and follow-up.


Upcoming M&E Training: 

Four Day TRAINING:  M&E System Analysis for Results-Based Management  

Coming Soon in Chiang Mai, Thailand



What: A four day training for Programme and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) staff of Government Agencies, International Development Organizations, Civil Society Organizations and others interested in enhancing learning and accountability in development work. The training will make use of a participatory approach, in which participants share and make use of their own experiences to enhance the learning process.

The number of participants will be limited to a maximum of 20 persons.
Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand.

MIND: Details on Early Bird Registration to come


Day 1:   Introduction and the enabling environment for monitoring and evaluation
Day 2:   Planning and costing for M&E, a culture for results-based management and routine monitoring
Day 3:Periodic data gathering and analysis, including surveys and evaluations and database development and use
Day 4: Usage of M&E information and planning for use of training learnings in participants’ organizations

Registration: For additional information and registration please contact Frank Noij at: or click the button.

Trainer/Facilitator : Frank Noij (MSc)
Frank is a professional Evaluator and Specialist in capacity development for Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation. He has 30 years of experience in M&E of International Development Programming. He has worked in many countries of the Asia and Pacific Region and in several African countries. He has experience working for a variety of Government, United Nations and Civil Society organizations. Frank is an experienced facilitator of workshops and supporter of communities of M&E practitioners. For more details see other parts of this website