My work experience includes the development and implementation of quality assurance methods and tools for draft and final evaluation TORs and reports, including the development and implementation of the UNICEF corporate Global Evaluation Report Oversight System (GEROS). I conducted several Meta-Evaluations for UNICEF evaluation office and one of their regional offices, focused on quality aspects of Evaluation Reports, including the use of gender equity and human rights based approaches, making use of the organizational tool concerned, and providing recommendations on how to enhance the evaluation function at corporate and country office level. These multiple meta-analysis have sharpened my desk review and analytical capacity.

My approach to evaluation quality assurance has been informed by my experience in leading and managing evaluations of development programming, including country programmes, organizational strategies, partnerships, and global and regional level meta- and thematic evaluations.

NoijConsult: Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation

Evaluation Quality Assurance

Work Experience includes:

Nov 2016 – Mar 2017: Review of draft Evaluation TORs, Inception Reports and Evaluation Reports as part of the WFP Decentralised Evaluation Quality Support Advisory Service managed by IOD Parc.

Dec 2009 – Apr 2012: Development of the methodology for the UNICEF Global Evaluation Report Oversight System, leading the implementation of annual batches of final evaluation report reviews and conducting a meta-evaluation on review results, including recommendations for enhancement of the evaluation function in UNICEF; IOD Parc.

Aug – Oct 2009: Review of the Quality of Evaluation TORs and Reports for the period 2007-2008 of evaluations commissioned by UNICEF; UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office.

June 2008: Quality Assurance of the DFID supported Thematic Evaluation on Social Transfer Programmes, making use of DFID Guidelines for Quality Assurance and providing recommendations for the improvement of the guidelines.