In my career I have built a track record on leading M&E trainings and facilitating workshops to diverse groups on design, monitoring and evaluation of development programming making use of a project cycle approach. My work experience includes support to the development of the programmatic as well as the organizational capacities for the application of project cycle based monitoring and evaluation in fifteen CARE International country offices in South and Southeast Asia. As part of my work I organized and led workshops at regional, sub-regional and country office levels. My approach included stimulating and facilitating sharing of experiences and learnings across national and international staff of country offices in the region.

Work experience includes:

Jan – Nov 2016: Supporting UNFPA Country offices in the Asia and Pacific region in development of results-based management capacities through support to the development of Country Programme Documents, assist in the implementation of Country Programme Evaluations and the conduct of workshops at regional and country level; UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office.

June 2007: Training on M&E and Performance Management for senior Programme Management and M&E staff of DFID offices in East Africa, developing individual staff capacities on aspects of M&E and management of M&E processes combined with team building to support a community of practice amongst M&E practitioners; DFID/IOD Parc.

Nov 06 – Jan 2007: Preparation of thematic paper on Monitoring and Evaluation as input to the Managing for Development Results (MfDR) Roundtable in Vietnam. DFID/IOD Parc.

Sep 2000 – Oct 2005: As Regional Design, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor providing support to 14 country offices of CARE International to develop capacities for Results- Based Monitoring and Evaluation, making use of a rights-based programming approach; CARE Asia Regional Management Unit.

Staff Capacity Development

NoijConsult: Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation

In my more recent work I have focused on support to the development of the use of theory of change in results based M&E systems and building of  the necessary individual capacities concerned.