Work Experience includes:

Oct – Dec 2015: Team Leader Evaluative Review of the ESCAP/ADB/UNDP Partnership on Supporting the Achievements of the MDGs in Asia and the Pacific, 2009-2015; Thailand / Philippines.

Dec 2014 – Aug 2015: Team Leader, Evaluation of the National Child and Youth Development Plan 2012-2015, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and UNICEF Thailand; Thailand.

Nov 2014 – Mar 2015: Team Leader, Country Programme Evaluation, UNFPA Cambodia; Cambodia.

June – Sep 2014: Evaluator, Global Thematic Evaluation of the Role of UNDP in Supporting National Achievement of the MDGs; UNDP, Independent Evaluation Office; New York, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mongolia.

My work experience in evaluation has been built at progressive levels of complexity, starting at project and programme level and progressively including sector programmes, country programmes, partnerships, global and regional level meta- and thematic evaluations and evaluation of organizational strategies.

In my approach to complex evaluation I make use of a mixed methods approach, integrating qualitative and quantitative data gathering and analysis in order to generate an assessment of in particular output and outcome level changes and to provide relevant and balanced insights to evaluation objectives and questions. In order to involve stakeholders in the evaluation process and enhance ownership of evaluation results, I make use of participatory approaches, actively including a wide range of stakeholders in all phases of the process. I have often facilitated meetings in the introductory, inception and reporting phases of evaluations, in order to ensure the inputs and viewpoints from a wide range of stakeholders at these important stages. 

Complex Evaluation

Evaluations that I led have, in addition to strategic and programmatic issues, included assessment of operational aspects, monitoring and evaluation systems, and organizational capacities for results based management. This part of the assessment process has been informed by my work to support development of M&E systems and enhancement of the monitoring and evaluation functions in public and civil society organizations.

Human rights, gender and equity have been prominent cross-cutting themes in many of the assignments. The UN guidelines for gender equality and human rights-based programming have often proved useful tools in this respect. To guide the overall evaluation process, I have made use of the UNEG standards and norms for evaluation, OECD DAC Evaluation Quality Standards as well as agency specific evaluation standards and guidelines.

NoijConsult: Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation