NoijConsult: Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation

Performance Management System

During my career I have supported the development and implementation of results based monitoring and evaluation systems. This in order to provide data and information to enhance programme planning and management, improve accountability and enable learning on what works and what does not sufficiently work and to enhance results. I have worked with Government agencies, UN and civil society organizations to improve monitoring and evaluation functions and their systemic workings at sector, country program and organizational levels.

In my work I have focused on addressing organizational requirements as well as individual staff capacities needed to make M&E systems work. In order to inform M&E capacity development plans, I have made use of participatory capacity assessments at organisational and individual levels, in this way grounding the development process and making use as much as possible of existing capacities.

Support provided has included the development of M&E policies and standards, relocation of monitoring and evaluation functions within the organization, development of M&E positions and job descriptions, preparation of results frameworks, design and use of data gathering methods and tools, design and implementation of baseline studies, support to data analysis and reporting, and development of required staff capacities.

My work on performance management has benefitted from my experience with the review of monitoring systems and quality and use of monitoring data in several of the complex evaluations that I conducted. These aspects were explicitly included in order to generate recommendations on ways to enhance results-based management of initiatives concerned.

Work Experience includes:

Feb – Apr 2017: Development of a draft Monitoring Framework for the Asia Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and Development, making use as much as possible of  indicators of the monitoring frameworks of the SDGs, the International Conference on Population and Development, and other relevant monitoring frameworks.

Nov 2013 – May 2014: Development of Monitoring and Evaluation system of the Central Mekong Delta Connectivity project, incl. the baseline study;
CDM Smith, Inc., WSP Finland Limited & Yooshin Engineering Corporation, Vietnam.

May 2013: Support to the development of a Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation system for the Cabinet Secretariat and selected line Ministries in Mongolia; Cabinet Secretariat / UNFPA Mongolia; Mongolia.

Mar – June 2010: Development of the Performance Management Framework of the Trade Sector Wide Approach in Cambodia, World Bank / UNDP. Guided and supported the development of the results frameworks for respectively Pillar I: Legal Reform and Cross-Cutting Issues and Pillar III: Capacity Development of the Trade SWAp in Cambodia.